Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Ginger for My Recipe Ingredients


Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is herbal plant which often used by South East Asia People specially for Indonesian people. Ginger is a native plant from China and India. Ginger root is widely used as culinary purposes and medicinal materials.

I usually use Ginger (in Indonesian we call it as “Jahe”) as one of my recipe ingredient. It can use when I want to make Javanese curry, opor, rendang or fish gulai. When we put ginger in our dish, our cuisine flavor will be more smelly odor and it could reduce the rancidity in the fishes.

This body warmer plant has 3 types that based on its shape, size and rhizome color, to wit small white ginger, big white ginger and red ginger. Ginger which comes from Southeast Asia, commonly is planted in tropical climate and it is known as root tubers plant that has spicy taste and pungent. This plant produces white and red flower buds pack that will be broke in the winter. Because of its beauty and its ability to adapt to hot climates, this plant is often used for landscaping. The stem which is under the soil surface, is forming the gangs which are thick, and colored like the soil. whereas the above ground, grow about 12 inches on the surface and it has green leaves and thin-boned, and the flowers are white or yellowish-green.

Ginger has so many benefit such as : as one of Indonesian ingredients in many kind recipes. Ginger also can be used as beverage like ginger tea or just mix it with hot water and sugar (I called it “Wedang Jahe”), we can also mix it with coffee. As I know ginger also used in the western recipe like ginger cake/biscuit and ginger ice cream, but I haven’t tried it yet.

The ginger storage methods are very important, we can dot by packing the ginger in the cloth or towel and put it inside the plastic bag. Ginger may hold for three weeks in the refrigerator and three months in the freezer.

Ginger is believed could give some benefits for our health. Ginger could reduce arthritic joint pain, degrade cholesterol and thin the blood. Ginger is also useful to cure when some one gets stomach crams, diarrhea, morning sickness for pregnant woman and seasick.

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