Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Turmeric for Our Foods and Health


TURMERIC is herb which could add unique taste in Indonesian food. It could reduce rancidity whenever we process fishes as our dishes. Turmeric gives our food color and it’s rich of benefits.

Turmeric or in Indonesian we call it as “Kunyit” known as a herb for our dish. But the benefits may across our kitchen room. It can be used as cosmetic, textile and medicine ingredients. It’s also recognized as natural food coloring for cheese, mustard and margarine.

Turmeric is a plant root, and we can recognize easily by looking at its red/orange color. This rooted stem may become powder ingredient or it can also be mixed and mashed with another ingredients in Indonesian food. Most of Javanese foods are using turmeric like gulai, Javanese curry, opor or another basic yellow ingredients.

Kunyit or Turmeric is not only used in the dishes, but has been used as a traditional medicine since along time ago. “Jamu” is one of the example. “Jamu” is traditional medicine, and Jamu has become health beverage now days. Its basic ingredient is turmeric and another herbal plants.

Beside as a basic food ingredients, turmeric also has many benefits and useful to relieve various complaints and diseases. The benefits specially come from its curcumin content. Curcumin is a substance which has a play role in property, flavor and color.

There are several turmeric benefits like has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants and it could gives protection toward heart attack and stroke since it could reduce the formation of blood clots, protect our liver and help fat digestion by increasing bile production.

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