Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

About Cooking


Cooking is a very special moment for me. Choosing the ingredients in the market is always challenging. In my hometown, no food without chilies. Every foods are hot hot hot there!  When I moved to Yogyakarta to take a collage, it was very difficult to suit my mouth with Yogyakarta foods which generally are dominated with sweet taste. May be it’s because I used to eat spicy foods. Whereas Yogyakarta is very famous with their sweet taste foods like gudeg, bacem, semur, etc.
For me, cooking is not just as a hobby, but more than that, cooking is my daily routine activities. Usually, I cook some foods for my family in the evening after back from my office. But the foods I made is just simple foods, easy to make and practical. Well, there will be a better time when I spend almost a day in my kitchen. In the weekend or in my day off, it’s my special kitchen time. I could make some  complicated cake or foods in my holiday like bread, snack, or anything about new recipes.
Do not cook with anger, grudge or another bad feeling, you won’t get the best result if you feel unhappy in your kitchen. Indirectly, our foods will be influenced and will not be appropriate with what we want to make, for example, our foods are salinity, or treacly . I think, we should cook happily, calm, and enjoy it with our heart. Let’s enjoy our kitchen activities, cooking time ^^ so our foods will be hmmmm yummy.
In this blog, I only try to share what I know about my hobby and my favorite activities. Okey, let’s make something new !

3 komentar:

  1. Great!! I've just enjoyed reading your new post^^ Wish I could get me going...LOL thank you so much, terima kasih, Susan^^

  2. dousinfinity : thanks for your comment Take chan ^_^

  3. mmmm.. its like so delicious, bisa pesen dong kikikikik


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