Selasa, 20 Desember 2011



“Asam Jawa “ is tamarind from Java Island. I usually use it in my cooking as a spice in Sayur Asam (Vegetables mixed with another spices and tamarind, just wait for the recipe ^^), stir-fry dish and it also could become a beverage. Javanese Tamarind contains of vitamin A, B and C which very useful for our body. Javanese Tamarind is kind of fruit which has sourness, and commonly used in Indonesian food as a sour taste. If you have ever been eating mpek mpek (kind of food from Sumatra island) you’ll find “cuko” as a sour sauce. The sour taste comes from Tamarind. Hmmm it’s really delicious. This is also my favorite recipe.

Physically, Tamarind tree is big and tall. It always have green leaves because this tree doesn’t run into fallen leaf. The height of this tree is around 30 meters and its stem diameter around 2 meters. The stem skin is grayish brown grey, rough texture, split and grooved vertically. Tamarind fruit has brown color and a hard rind. Usually, we only use its flesh which is soft and has brown color also. Just brewed in the hot water or just put it directly in you cuisine.

Javanese Tamarind has some advantages for our health. It could help us to expedite defecate, treat our cough and improve our circulatory. For a woman, Javanese Tamarind could reduce menstrual pain, eliminate the whitish, for diet program that may help a woman to be more slim, and to prevent us from fall out hair.

We can store Javanese Tamarind easily by getting it in a plastic bag and store it in your refrigerator

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