Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Red Onions or Shallots for My Food Recipes


Red Onion or Shallots or in Indonesian we call it “Bawang Merah” is one kind of spice which shaped like tuber crops. This is very important for my dish, because most Indonesian foods especially for my cooking, I never miss shallots to put in the dish. We can say that red onion is the mean spice as one of the flavor in the foods.

We usually use red onion as the mean seasoning in the kitchen to make our foods more delicious. red onion is not only used as cooking spice but it’s really full of benefits. Red onion can be strong anti-oxidant and as a bacteria killer and it could also reduce our intestinal disorders. Some people use red onion to help their children as a fever reliever, nausea, catch a cold. They only pound several red onion and mixing it with coconut oil and put it on the children body, like on the stomach if the children catch cold or on forehead if the children have a fever.

Commonly, red onion lives in the highlands which have a fairly good fertility. There are several different variety of shallots, in Indonesia shallots size is smaller and more rounded with the reddish color. Red onion has characteristics : clumps plant, bulbous layers and pungent. Red Onion is an annual crops which has no stem and it has long green leaves, tube-shaped and pointy toes. In my home town my mother usually use red onion leaves for her cooking but it’s hard to find it in where I live now (Yogyakarta).

I think red onion taste is sweeter than white onion. Fried red onions are very delicious, we can put it in our dish or directly eat it together with warm rice. But be careful if you peel up the red onions, stay away from your eyes or you will cry since red onions can produce steam which will poignant your eyes.


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