Senin, 19 Desember 2011

The Unique Aroma in Galangal for My Recipes


Galangal or “Lengkuas” (in Indonesian) is a rhizome root crops. This is also one of spice that I usually use in my cooking. I use Galangal when I am cooking Javanese curry, rendang, gulai or oseng oseng (vegetables mixed with some ingredients including galangal and stirred with slightly oil. And I like galangal in my fried chicken recipe ingredients. Makes my fried chicken more crunchy ^_^ I’ll the recipe next time.

Galangal has a tree trunk consists of midrib-structure leaf. The shape of its leaves are elliptic. Its flower appear in the peak of the plant. Galangal rhizome tuber is creeping, fleshy, glossy skin, coarse fibrous, and has a unique aroma.

The part of galangal that can be used as a spice foods is its rhizome. Not only Indonesian people who generally use this herb plant for cooking but also giving a food flavor for another Asia country such as Laos, China, Malaysia, India and Thailand. This spice contains essential oil functioning as anti-microbial and anti-bacterial. The essential oil in galangal could become natural preservative in our cooking.

For our health, galangal has so many benefits. The essential oil contained in galangal has important function in traditional medicine. It could cure and treat several diseases for instance: catch cold, nausea, pain reliever, cough and to increasing the appetite. And this plant also often use to treat skin diseases caused by fungi.

In my foods recipe, galangal is giving delicious aroma. I always use galangal in my stir-fry cooking or in my cooking that use coconut milk. Just peeled and crushed it and put it in your dish, hmmm yummy ^^

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