Jumat, 02 Desember 2011



It’s my first time writing in this blog ^^ so happy having this chance to start full fill my blog diary. Seem like diary because I just wanna share about what I know, what I like, for instance crocheting, anything about cooking and kitchen. First of all, I would like to say sorry if there are so many mistakes in my writing or posting. Please do leave me a comment so I can correct my mistakes or I’ll give you my best answer if you leave me a question.

Since I come from east Java, foods with so many chilies are the best. No chilies no delicious meals, Japanese says “oishiikunai”, am I right ? There will be so many recipes from my own practice, from my modification. Don’t too worry not all recipes are with chilies ^_^ I’ll share you some kind of delicious meals also.

In my spare time, if I am in a good mood, if I don’t feel so tired, if I am not on “Lazy” mode on, usually I make something from strings by crocheting. It became so interesting for me since I was pregnant my little daughter. Not too hard to crochet something, well “the best effort would give you the best result” , trying something new is so challenging, makes life brighter with our hobby. You can make some cloths, hats, table cloths, etc.

I am just a leaner and I am not too clever actually but I like learning anything, languages (the most I like to learn are Korean and Japanese), cooking and crocheting or others new challenges and knowledge.

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